国外极限运动欣赏 - 户外摄影 - 8264户外手机版

Scenes from the warming hut: In between runs, this is where the huckers hang and the bros bump knucks. Champion Simon Dumont (standing in red) is seen here giving a little love to his fellow two-plankers before dropping in.
Fans stand, cheer and freeze (in that order) for local finalist Peter Olenick. Peter finished the '04 SuperPipe comp with a bronze medal around his neck; this year he bobbled all three runs and placed seventh.
If it ain't broke, why fix it? Repeat SuperPipe champion Simon Dumont launched the first hit of his winning run with the same triple-overhead crossed 540 that helped him win in '04. Simon was nearly 40 feet above the flatbottom when this photo was taken.
Tanner Hall gets the rock-star treatment and hops a shuttle to the top of the pipe between final runs.
Jon Olsson, the spinning Swede, finished in third place for the third-consecutive year in Tuesday night's SuperPipe finals. Jon put together three solid runs, but the judges were focused on one thing only: boost factor.
Second-place finisher Tanner Hall was also throwing fives at the top of the pipe, but as you—and the judges— can see, he had nowhere near the height of Dumont.
Hey, you! Up there! Come down from there right now! Another look at Simon Dumont's gigantic first-hit 540 that helped secure his win, and winning score of 92.66.
There was plenty of support for Tanner Hall during the Ski SuperPipe finals, but the fans couldn't set wind to his sails and he finished in second place with a score of 91.
Ski SuperPipe champion Simon Dumont mugs for the camera after laying down his stratospheric winning run.
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