一路向南,穿越美洲大陆单车旅行-美洲篇 - 走出国门 - 8264户外手机版

本帖最后由 不羁的驴子 于 2017-11-7 21:29 编辑

先介绍一下骑士本人,fb id,nilowss台湾人,热爱单车旅行的率性而为人士,相识多年老友,2012年于德黑兰第一次遇见,其时他正进行德国出发过中东前往非洲大陆的单车之旅。
我從定房網站預定的旅館三星級Clariton Suites Downtown也許是這個安克拉治的首選之一,至少我在這裡遇到許多觀光客,包含兩組中國旅客。雙人房原價約80美金,不知怎麼來著讓我定到兩晚110美金(12%稅外加)的神奇價位(若兩人共住,平均一人的價位已遠比宿舍格局的背包客棧便宜許多),房間為一房一廳格局(也就是共有兩台電視),床鋪遠離門口因此不會被走廊噪音干擾,房間另有微波爐與小咖啡機,更重要的是有免費機場接駁車。

11/24 In Flores

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.


從今年中開始,El Mirador為了避免古蹟被不當破壞,不再允許無嚮導自組前往(充分理由的撈錢之術,台灣也學學吧),鑑於瓜地馬拉未來斷交後台灣旅客有門進不去的風險,套裝行程再貴也得吞下去。

Grand Jaguar,像所有街上的旅行社,有賣真的交通票,真的Tikal套票(位於Flores城郊必訪的馬雅遺址),因為我多次看到背包客在門口等車。但是假的El Mirador旅程。除非仔細瀏覽網路評論,否則很難察覺不對勁。他的其中一名員工曾到台灣交換學生(這應該是真的),我如往常比較價格服務後,交錢拿票券。




我最後由INGAUT,訓練合格嚮導的機構確定可以信任的旅行社。這次我不再隨心所遇,仔細看過網路評論再前往。這間合格旅行社只是比較誠實,但我已經準備好面對真假難辨的話語,有其他人要去,用收據副本證明給我看,在我的收據上寫下所有你答應的服務。跟昨天去Tikal行程狀況類似,他們不在乎人,只在乎錢,前往Tikal超過1小時車程的15人座小巴塞了來自不同旅行社的20人-他們在走道放座椅,其中一位旅客看到這樣的安排勃然大怒,但也沒輒。而前往El Mirador居然得搭事故頻繁的chicken bus,而非私人廂型車。


Hikers have to deal with a bunch of domineering local police, and have to deal with a huge pack of crooks to go to El Mirador, Guatemala.

El Mirador, a Mayan site with highest pyramid in the world, is hidden in the remote jungle in northern Guatemala. Since this summer, hikers have to hire a licenced guide to avoid any possible sabotage of the ancient buildings. And considering the highly possibility that Guatemala ruptures the diplomatic relation with Taiwan and closes the door to Taiwan visitors in the foreseeable future, I have to take this expensive tour now. As normal usual, I shopped around and chose one tour agency providing better price to El Mirador.

Grand Jaguar, the travel agency which sells real transportation tickets and Tikal tour package(a must-see Mayan ruins near Flores). I found backpackers in the agency for the vehicle several times. But they lies about the El Mirador tour.

I am very sorry that Taiwan doesn't only export electronics but scammers. The crook in the office went to Taiwan as an exchange student(should be true because he knows so much about Taiwan). I should ask what subjects he majored in his school. On the early morning of departure, he told me other hikers were sent to the hospital because of food poisoning. We had to postpone the schedule a day after and he would pay for my unexpected staying. No matter what, I will go on second day, alone or in a group. A similar story I heard in the tour of climbing Kilimanjaro, a most terrible tour I had attended.

Until then I realized that I was scammed. How could it possible that I pay the same price to go alone as in the group? I responded positively and then searched on line, understanding that the travel agency will postpone the schedule again and again until you can't stand it anymore, or take you for the hiking, without a licensed guide and sufficient supplies, or even left you in the remote village. And hikers can't ask for any refund after “departure”, once they are on the vehicle.

I can't get the total refund but at least I stopped things going worse. What made this event more terrible was NO ONE WARNED ME when I was asking around several agencies. Even the hotel manager told me only in afterwards that the crooks was caught several times but always released because they really have a qualified agency. And they changed the name of the agency several times. A traveller told me that people help you only after understanding that they don't get any trouble. Don't count on the passing vehicles when carjacking. Sad for this negative comment fulfilled.

I didn't give up my tour. Instead, I went to INGAUT, the agency trains a qualified guide, for more information. I learned the only trustworthy agency, although staffs there were still notorious for telling you the half truth and ripping off hikers. But I prepared for this. You said there are other hikers, SHOW ME THE COPY OF INVOICE. And WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU PROMISE TO PROVIDE IN THE PACKAGE.

Most staffs in the agencies care only about money in town. I and another 19 visitors was packed in a 15-seats van(they put seats on the aisle) to Tikal yesterday, we were gathered by several different agencies, and a traveler was really furious with this arrangement. And I have to take the accident frequented chicken bus the the trail head of El Mirador. Not a private van even after a huge amount of payment.

Maybe Mayans are crying for some of their descendants worshiping the god of scam. I will definitely go by myself if possible. Bonampak壁畫之一,描述戰事與俘虜 Bonampak遺址,以壁畫聞名 Bonampak主建築物, 建於公元8世紀末(公元791年11月11日正式使用),長16米,深4米,高7米, 推測它也可能曾經有屋頂結構,它由三個獨立的房間組成,其中包含壁畫,敘述圍繞Bonupak統治者Yajaw Chaan Muwan的兒子Chooj和Aj Sak Teles的孫子所投入的事件 位於 Usumacinta河畔Yuxchitan的結構3(structure 3)。這遺址的傑作之一。可能在Bird Jaguar IV在756年興建。這個結構可以俯瞰整個城市和河流,其中頂端的精美雕刻被稱為象形文字階梯(Hieroglyphic Stairway)。 位於 Usumacinta河畔Yuxchitan的南衛城(south Acropolis) 位於 Usumacinta河畔Yuxchitan的南衛城

Please read the English version in the second half of this article.

11/20 Palenque--hotel camino verde
11/21 --Frontera corazon
11/22-- 瓜地馬拉花城(Flores),搭車


Frontera corazon:岔路口與Bonampak岔路口位於同條公路上,為前往瓜地馬拉與另一個馬雅古城Yuchitan的搭船渡口。Yuchitan只能搭船前往,無公路到達。

Bonampak,Yuchitan兩個馬雅古城,和從Frontera corazon搭船到對岸的瓜地馬拉都在我的計畫中。至於要怎麼安排,費了一番腦筋。


翌日,Palenque到瓜地馬拉的兩個關口,為了安全考量,我決定走交通較不便的Frontera corazon,而不是整路舖柏油的El Ceibo。中間在小旅館過夜後,11/21續往關口前進。也就是說,Frontera Corazon我到訪兩次,一次是跟團去Yuchitan,一次是自己通關。


但是事情出奇順利。到了Frontera corazon,這個以生態旅遊為主軸之一的小鎮(雖然餐廳桌巾潔淨的詭異),入住hotel Nueva Allianza,接下來我實在不敢相信自己的耳朵。


那麼便宜,而且完全不用傷腦筋,旅館人員十分好心,翌日早上他先帶我到墨西哥移民局蓋出境章,幫我打電話給不知道過哪國時間的官員來開門上工,接下來他帶我到渡船頭。更神奇的是,對岸有個旅遊資訊站,裡面有會說英語的服務員,真是中頭獎。而中頭獎的不只我,還有旅遊資訊站旁邊的換錢小販,因為我拿出快3000pesos跟他換錢,而他提供的匯率也比我兩天前查到的好。搭包車的除了我還有一對德國情侶,男的在爛路上吐得亂七八糟,不知道回去會不會收到『dear John』。看來今天跨界的應該就我們三人。我很高興我沒有騎爛路,除了路真的糟,原來的雨林(在墨西哥還看得到)幾乎砍伐殆盡,黃沙中,半點涼蔭也沒有。Flores雖然位於瓜地馬拉,但是沒有太多貧窮的樣貌,這裡以馬雅遺址聞名,也是我未來一週的重頭戲。

1/20 Palenque--hotel camino verde
11/21 --Frontera corazon
11/22 --Flores, Guatemala by transportation

I like to cross the border less traveled. It's challenging sometimes, but usually with fewer hassles. Unlike some travelers, I don't argue with the customs officers with the “fees of cleaning custom” or fees regarded as a bride for many reasons, which is quite common in developing countries. First, they have absolutely right to decide to let me in or not, and it's not fun to piss them off. Second, I never understand if it's really a bride under the communication barriers. And the immigration officers in the developing countries are usually less paid. For me, it doesn't matter to “tip” them for doing a better job and not to give the traveler a difficult time. I don't prefer to judge someone before I really understand him.

I would like to introduce some locations in this leg. Or you could skip these to the last 5 paragraphs.

Palenque: A charming small town famous for its Mayan city listed in UNESCO.

Bonampak: A Mayan ruins with amazing murals.

Yuxchitan: Another attractive Mayan ruins only accessible by boat from Frontera Corazon.

Frontera Corazon: The Mexico border village with boat launch to Yuxchitan and Guatemala.

The four places above are around the same route. But I found it was cheaper to join a group from Palenque to both ruins, Bonampak and Yuxchitan. My original plan was to to cycle to Frontera corazon and visit the two sites on my way to the border village. So I actually travelled the route twice, once in a van and the other on the paddle. The price of the tour was 800 pesos(47USD), including transportation(vehicle and boat), the entrance fees, and two meals. No one in Palenque provided a tour package with a guide.

After the day of the tour, I decided to take the border of Frontera corazon instead of El Ceibo. The first one, which travelers have to take a boat to cross the border line, received fewer visitors and thought to be safer. But there was 80 km of rugged dirt road on Guatemalan side. Instead of guessing what the situation I will encounter once I cross, I listed one thing that I should never try. That is, DO NOT TAKE A PRIVATE TAXI OR TO HITCHHIKE WHICH I WAS NOT FAMILIAR WITH. The immigration office was located 12 km from the boat launch and I didn't know if the drive will take my baggage away when I am “checking-in”.

But things went much smoother than I expected. I arrived in Frontera Corazon, a border town famous for its otherwise inaccessible Mayan city Yuxchitan and eco tour, although I found the table cloth restaurant in the hotel were too spotless. I asked the hotel staff about the information.

“150 pesos(9 USD) for a single room(public toilet) and 300 pesos for the boat/private transportation to Flores, Guatemala.”

Bingo. So cheap and so easy. The staff was very helpful. On the next morning, he took me to the Mexico immigration office, gave the officer a wake-up call when we found the office was closed at the time it should be open. Then he took me to the boat launch. After crossing the boundary river, the boater took me to the bus stand 100 meters away, where I found a helpful tourist information and also an English-speaking staff. I was so lucky as if I hit the jackpot when I realized everything went so well. And the money changer also hit the jackpot because I exchanged almost 3000 pesos with him.( He provided very good rate.). There were another German couple to join the van travel to Flores, and it seemed that we were the only three people to cross this remote border on the day. And I was glad to not cycle on the dusty and deforested leg without any shadow. I could see some rain forest on Mexico side but almost nothing left in Guatemala. Flores, located in Guatemala, without any poverty appearance, is well-known for the Mayan cities, and also my destination in the coming week. 搭船到對岸的瓜地馬拉 瓜地馬拉邊境Bethel 瓜地馬拉渡船頭的旅遊資訊站與接駁車 好心協助我安排交通運輸的旅館工作人員 路景,墨西哥的雨林還有樹,瓜地馬拉的雨林已成歷史 旅館房間 Nueva Allianza,這附近的村落都走純樸風,有吊扇,共用浴廁 墨西哥邊境小鎮Frontera corazon,也是往無道路抵達的Yuxchilan遺址渡船頭 走得比雞快的豬媽媽和豬孩子

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