就是这么傲娇 Fenix手电再次现身好莱坞电影

业界 7年前



恐怖片多在较暗多环境下拍摄,《女巫布莱尔》也不例外,那么,这时选择一个好的照明设备就显得尤为重要了。近日,华尔街日报的专栏记者Mike Ayers,写了一篇关于惊悚片续集《女巫布莱尔》电影导演Adam Wingard和影片摄影师Robby Baumgartner选定Fenix PD35,为片中漆黑环境提供照明的原因,以及Fenix PD35是如何出色表现的文章。

<以下为记者Mike Ayers所写文章>

In "Blair Witch,"the present-day sequel to the 1999 low-budget horror breakout "TheBlair Witch Project," viewers are once again taken on a"found-footage" romp through the backwoodsof Burkittsville, Md., in search of the supernatural entity of thetitle. Over the course of 90 minutes, six characters find themselves invarious states of panic and terror. Most of the action takes place in thepitch dark, which gives way to an unsung hero of the "Blair Witch"resurrection: The Fenix PD35 flashlight.

《女巫布莱尔》是为1999年的一部成功的低成本恐怖片"TheBlair Witch Project"拍摄的现代版续集, 在新片中,观众再一次被带到马里兰州Burkittsville镇的蛮荒林地,寻找电影名称里这种超自然生物。影片长达90分钟,其中的6个演员说他们在拍摄时经历了不同程度的恐惧感。由于影片的大部分情节都是在漆黑的环境中拍摄的,给片中的无名英雄创造了极佳的拍摄条件--那就是Fenix PD35手电。

This LED light, which retails from $75 to $139.95, depending on the type of battery youget, was an integral part in bringing "Blair Witch" to life - and a tricky one,too. Director Adam Wingard and cinematographer RobbyBaumgartner tested close to 20 different flashlights beforesettling on the Fenix PD35.

这款LED手电的零售价格从75美元到139.95美元不等,取决于里面所用的电池。可以说,这款手电在影片中起到不可或缺的作用,同时,使用起来也非常考验技术。导演Adam Wingard和影片摄影师Robby Baumgartner测试了将近20种不同的手电后,才最终选定了Fenix PD35。

"We had to go through a ton ofdifferent flashlights and brands until we found one that didn't create aconsistent flicker [on the camera lens], so we had a clear image," Wingardsays.


《女巫布莱尔》片中人物使用Fenix PD35

"Blair Witch" was shot on location in32 days near Vancouver, British Columbia. Baumgartner estimatesthat 25 days were shot at night, with more than 80% of those nights lit onscreen by the Fenix model. The flashlights, thus served a dual purpose: toilluminate the shots, but also be a part of the narrative since the charactersbrought them into the woods as camping tools.


《女巫布莱尔》影片中部分使用Fenix PD35的片段

"With actors essentially lighting thebackground, themselves and each other, it was paramount to get this right orthe film would look like shit," Baumgartner says. "It took a bit of trial anderror to figure out how to make the best of a tricky cinematic situation."


Baumgartner and Wingard had to spendtime teaching the actors how to use the flashlights. "It's not a talent thatcomes natural," Wingard says. "I've seen actors that have been able to pickthis up right away, I've seen actors that get annoyed with it. You'reconstantly telling them not just to shine here and there, but sometimes you'relighting up your fellow actor that's standing next to you."

Baumgartner 和 Wingard 首先要花时间告诉演员们怎么去使用手电。"不是每个人一拿着手电都会用的"Wingard说,"我见过有些演员一下子就上手了,我也看到有些演员对这玩意及其不耐烦。你不停地告诉他们别拿着手电到处乱照,结果有时候自己都会照到身旁的演员。"

The filmmakers also developed on-settricks to help illuminate scenes. Baumgartner created a vest-type cloth thatthe actors would wear off camera and would help the on-camera actorknow where to point the light.


"We had a week of rehearsals before,because the shooting style was so different," says Wes Robinson, whoplays Lane in the film. "It felt really raw and creative. It didn't feel likeyou're making a studio film."

"由于这部影片拍摄的方式比较特别,所以在这之前我们有一个星期的排练时间",在影片中扮演Lane 的Wes Robinson说, "拍摄方式很创新,所以很没有经验,感觉都不像在拍电影"。

Wingard says the original "BlairWitch" cameras "could barely handle shooting at nighttime," but that, in fact,helped create a realistic feel that grabbed audiences. "If you go back andwatch that film, you can see that they are barely getting any exposure,which is actually scary in itself," the director says. "It makes you feellike there's more darkness around you and feels realistic for the experience ofbeing out in the woods."


Not only was the flashlight a bigstar on set, it also made its way into the script. Screenwriter SimonBarrett, who has worked with Wingard in the past on "V/H/S" and "TheGuest," says he put notes into the script about what he envisioned. "Usually Itried to indicate in the script what I saw lighting the scene," Barrett says.

除了在拍摄现场起到重要的作用,Fenix PD35也成功出现在电影剧本中。这部电影的剧本作家Simon Barrett此前和Wingard合作过"V/H/S" 和"The Guest"他将自己的所见所闻在电影剧本中做了注释,他说道,"我经常会在剧本中指出我所看到的灯光效果。"

For Fenix, this isn't the first timethe trusty PD35 has been featured onscreen. The flashlight has made appearancesin "The Walking Dead,""The Blacklist," "Prometheus" and the latest "TeenageMutant Ninja Turtles" film. It's the company's best-selling flashlightand is used in a wide-range of professions, from law enforcement to janitorialservices. According to Fenix vice president of sales, Patrick Cooper,they've never been paid a sponsorship fee or product-placement fee for amovie.
"The thing that we're really proud ofis that we don't promote it and they find us," Cooper says.

对于Fenix来说,PD35这款明星产品已经不是第一次出现在电影屏幕上了。此前的《行尸走肉》《黑名单》《普罗米修斯》《忍者神龟》中都出现了这款手电的身影。作为公司里最畅销的一款手电,其应用范围广泛,从执法机关到清洁服务领域,都用得上这款手电。Fenix 经销商Patrick Cooper告诉我们他们从来没有为任何电影提供过任何赞助。"最自豪的是我们从来没有主动找电影方推广,反而是他们主动找到我们"Cooper说道。

其实在Fenix大家族中,参演过好莱坞大片的称得上是"演艺圈人士"的远不止PD35,如Fenix TK45凭借它独特的科幻造型,赢得了众多好莱坞导演的青睐,参与了很多大片的拍摄: 《The Last Day on Mars》(火星上最后的时日)、《Prometheus》(普罗米修斯)、《Fringe》(危机边缘)等。

《The Last Day on Mars》(火星上最后的时日)



Fenix TK系列手电秉承陆战之王--TANK的设计理念,以其高亮度,长射程,坚固可靠的特性,充分满足了狩猎、搜索、军警巡逻、执法等任务的特殊需求,除了TK45,其系列下的产品TK15、TK35 、TK41 、TK70等也是备受科幻片和动作片导演喜爱。

TK15 《窃听风云》

TK35 《绿箭侠》

TK35 《罪恶黑名单》


TK70 《记忆神探》

