Columbia与Drastosa SA近日签订了巴西地区经销协议

国际 16年前

  Sportsonesource媒体2007年10月15日报导:哥伦比亚运动服装公司与Drastosa SA已经签订了一项协议,指定Drastosa SA作为哥伦比亚运动服装公司产品在巴西的独家经销商。此项合同的签订扩展了哥伦比亚运动服装公司产品在巴西的分布,形成一个范围更大的零售网,这也是第一次为巴西消费者提供完整系列的哥伦比亚品牌的产品。Drastosa SA也将为重点零售客户推出新哥伦比亚运动服装概念店,在较大的零售店中还会配备大型标牌设备。

  “巴西是哥伦比亚运动服生意的一个重要市场, 并且我们很高兴能与Drastosa股份有限公司在这样一个飞速发展的国度里共同建立我们的成功,”哥伦比亚公司国际业务部副总裁Bill Tung说:“Drastosa股份有限公司在巴西有差不多30年的国际大品牌服装营销经验,我们很高兴能与他们共同奋战、共创未来!”

  Drastosa SA商业总监Ronald Radomysler说:“哥伦比亚品牌的主要零售数字正以高速的势头倍涨。我们期待这种迅猛增长的势头能在整个巴西一直持续下去!”

  原文:Columbia Inks Brazilian Distribution Deal

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 10/15/2007

  Columbia Sportswear Company has signed an agreement with Drastosa SA to be its exclusive distributor of Columbia Sportswear products in Brazil. The agreement expands distribution of Columbia Sportswear products in Brazil, reaching a wider range of retailers and, for the first time, delivering the complete line of Columbia branded products to Brazilian consumers. Drastosa SA will also work with key retail customers to launch new Columbia Sportswear concept shops, which are branded sections and fixtures within larger retail stores.

  “Brazil is a significant market for the Columbia Sportswear business, and we‘re pleased to work with Drastosa SA to build on our success in such a growing and dynamic region,’‘ said Bill Tung, vice president of international business at Columbia Sportswear Company. “Drastosa SA has nearly 30 years’ experience in apparel distribution of major international brands in Brazil and we‘re pleased to work with them to continue our own growth in the region.’‘

  Ronald Radomysler, commercial director at Drastosa SA said, “The Columbia brand is already gaining momentum across key retail accounts. We look forward to continue growing the business throughout Brazil.’
