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  其中一支队伍成员包括:巴塔哥尼亚老手Rolando Garibotti、Hans Johnstone,联同另一个小组的4名意大利成员Ermanno Salvaterra、Alessandro Beltrami、Mirko Mase以及Fabio Salvadei,从Cerro Standhardt出发,经过Punta Herron抵达Torre Egger。因此,他们接连登上了4座高峰。整个穿越过程由11月21日开始至23日结束,在如此短的时间内完成,这是历史上绝无仅有的 。

  在此之前的2005年2月,Thomas Huber以及Andi Schnarf二人首次完成同样的穿越路线。

  原文:Two Teams Complete Patagonian Traverse

  Two teams completed the second and third ascents of a bold Patagonian traverse in almost three days.

  From November 21-23, the team composed of Patagonia veteran Rolando Garibotti and Hans Johnstone, together with another team consisting of four other Italians: Ermanno Salvaterra, Alessandro Beltrami, Mirko Mase and Fabio Salvadei, navigated from Cerro Standhardt to Punta Herron to Torre Egger. Thus, they connected the four peaks. This is the ultimate aim that was never been done until the two teams succeeded.

  Thomas Huber and Andi Schnarf first completed the traverse in February 2005 from Cerro Standhardt to Torre Egger, over Punta Herron.
