
户外 16年前

  据MountEverest.net的消息,上周末,法国人Gendarme当选为法国登山向导协会(SNGM)的主席,Gendarme是迄今为止的第一个女性主席。该选举在法国南部城市l‘Argentière La Bessée举行。在SNGM的1500名向导中仅有15女性。法国第一位女登山向导是1983年的Martine Rolland。

  原文:France: First woman President for Mountain Guides Union

  12:36 am EST Dec 03, 2007

  ( This weekend, Fran?oise Gendarme was elected the first woman president of the SNGM (French Mountain Guides Union), reports. The election was held in l’Argentière La Bessée (South of France).

  The SNGM counts only 15 women for 1500 guides. The first woman guide in France was Martine Rolland in 1983.
