
国际 17年前


  “我们期待该b2b平台能发挥重要作用。同时,它已和我们的企业目标及文化紧密结合。Ivendix是业界公认的优秀销售订单管理系统,它完全符合我们的战略平台,”Smartwool销售管理总监Norma Hansen说道:“Centerstone使Smartwool的生意变得更容易更简洁高效,这套系统能使我们的经销商和销售代理在网上提交订单,方便同时还能消除人为造成的错误。此外,通过这样自动化的操作过程,我们还能降低纸的消耗,更接近我们的环保目标。而且最重要的是,参与交易的双方可以节省大量的时间和金钱” 。

  原文:SmartWool Launches B2B System With Centerstone

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 12/5/2007

  After months of planning and implementing, SmartWool launched its new state-of-the-art business-to-business (B2B) system last week in partnership with CenterStone Technologies, Inc. The new B2B system, iVendix, will provide SmartWool with an online ordering system for more than 4,000 retail dealers and sales reps throughout North America. At the same time, the new system will eliminate paper waste, improve order accuracy, increase efficiency and lower overall transaction costs.

  “We wanted the best B2B platform available. At the same time it had to align with our corporate goals and culture. iVendix has a proven track record as the most accepted sales order management system in the industry and fits well within our strategic platform,” explained Norma Hansen, SmartWool’s director of sales administration. “CenterStone will help SmartWool remain easy to do business with by allowing our dealers and sales reps to make orders at their convenience while eliminating human-caused errors. Also, by automating the process we will reduce our paper waste and get closer to achieving our overall corporate waste reduction goals. And most importantly, it saves time and money for everyone involved with the transaction.”

  “SmartWool is an iconic and much sought-after brand for a large percentage of specialty retailers that use our B2B solution, so we are very excited that SmartWool is now live on iVendix, and we’re ready to start accepting orders on their behalf. We speak with specialty retailers every day, and an enormous percentage of dealers in the lifestyle apparel, outdoor recreation and sporting goods industries have indicated that they want to conduct business with SmartWool at their convenience on a 24/7 basis using CenterStone’s solution, “ said Peter O’Neil, executive vice president, sales and marketing, of CenterStone Technologies. What a great testament to the leadership team at SmartWool that they pay such close attention to their customers, the specialty retailers. Our iVendix solution delivers a large and extensive user community that is continuing to grow at a very rapid pace. And it is the adoption rate by this user community that will drive the ROI for SmartWool. Based upon our success with other brands that sell through specialty retail, we have no doubt that CenterStone will contribute to the ongoing growth and success of the SmartWool business,” O’Neil added.

