新百伦(New Balance)公司成功并购Vital服装集团

业界 17年前

  据SportsOneSource报道获悉,波士顿著名的运动服装生产商新百伦公司于当地时间10日宣布已成功收购Vital 服装集团。

  在谈及此事时,现任新百伦公司首席执行官Rob DeMartini表示:“收购Vital对我们意义非凡,这将会促进新百伦服饰的快速增长。我们有责任也很重视向我们的运动服装零售商供应更多的产品种类。新百伦品牌在消费者心中的知名度很高,Vital在运动配饰行业的经验及地位无人能及,两者的联合会加强新百伦的创新及售后服务能力。”

  Vital的董事长Kerry Kligerman也表示 新百伦是全球运动行业最驰名的品牌之一,潜力无限,非常荣幸有机会将Vital丰富的行业经验和生产力带给它,促进其增长。



  Vital总部位于纽约,旗下拥有以女性服装为主的Vital服饰公司,获得Soffe配饰生产许可得Vital配饰公司,及主打InSport品牌的Vital Performance公司。

  原文:New Balance Acquires Vital Apparel Group

  SportsOneSource www.8264.net 12/10/2007 20:32

  New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc., a Boston-based company known for its athletic footwear, announced today that it has acquired the Vital Apparel Group for an undisclosed amount.

  “Our acquisition of Vital gives us significant opportunities to accelerate the growth of New Balance apparel,” says Rob DeMartini, CEO at New Balance. “We take our responsibility to drive category growth for our retailer‘s athletic apparel business very seriously. The New Balance brand can drive incremental sales for our customers and Vital’s leadership and expertise in the sporting goods channel complements both team‘s core competencies in product innovation and customer service.”

  “The Vital team is excited to have the opportunity to apply our capabilities and experience to help grow New Balance,” says Kerry Kligerman, president of Vital. “New Balance is one of the strongest global brands in the athletic industry and has unlimited possibilities in apparel.”

  In June of this year, Vital signed an apparel license licensee agreement with New Balance-owned Warrior to design and develop Warrior branded apparel as well as introduce new and innovative materials and designs.

  Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

  Headquartered in Huntington Station, NY, Vital Apparel Group includes Vital Apparel, a leading women’s active brand; Vital Accessories, which includes the license for Soffe Accessories; and the Vital Performance division, which includes InSport, New Balance said.
