
国际 16年前




  户外行业创新大奖旨在奖励那些为户外行业的创新和发展做出了杰出贡献的户外企业--他们通过研发或实际的商业实践创造出新的商用工具或程序。此奖项的入围者分别是Half Moon Outfitters、High Sierra Sport、Horny Toad、Timberland及Untraditional Marketing。

  户外行业形象大使奖旨在鼓励那些为推动户外运动的发展做出重大贡献和长期努力的公司或个人-他们是户外行业的排头兵,负责任的旅游事业推广者,青少年户外运动的积极倡导者。这些获奖者都是实至名归的,入围者非别是:Adventure Cycling Association、 Bay Area Wilderness Training、 Great Outdoor Provision 公司、 Mountain Gear、Sierra 俱乐部及 The Coleman 公司.

  上届的OIA形象大使获得者非别是Atlas Snowshoes、Backpacker magazine及River Sports Outfitters,创新大奖获得者是Keen Footwear公司的Kirk Richardson 和 Gary Erickson, Clif Bar公司的创始人Gary Erickson。

  对于最终入围者的名单,OIA主席Frank Hugelmeyer说:这些入围者在推动户外行业发展方面都做出了突出贡献,影响深远。我们期待23日向最终获奖名单的出炉并向他们颁奖。"

  原文:Outdoor Industry Association Releases Finalists for the 2008 Outdoor Industry Ambassador and Outdoor Industry Innovator Awards

  Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) today announced the finalists for the 2008 Outdoor Industry Ambassador Award and Outdoor Industry Innovator Award, as nominated by the outdoor industry and then selected by OIA's Board of Directors. The award winners will be announced at the Industry Breakfast on Wednesday, January 23, 2008, which kicks off the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market in Salt Lake City.

  For 2008, OIA reviewed and updated each award category to honor those who share our mission of ensuring the continued growth and success of the outdoor industry. New this year will be two categories per award - Small to Mid-size Format (Retailer or Rep Agency <$10M annual revenue or Manufacturer, Supplier, Media Group, or other Industry Business <$50M annual revenue) and Large Format (Retailer or Rep Agency >$10M annual revenue or Manufacturer, Supplier, Media Group, or other Industry Business >$50M annual revenue).

  The Outdoor Industry Innovator Award recognizes a business achievement by an outdoor company that has made significant contributions toward the continued innovation and growth of the outdoor industry. Those contributions can be either through a dynamic business initiative or the creation and development of a new business tool or process. The finalists are Half Moon Outfitters, High Sierra Sport, Horny Toad, Timberland, and Untraditional Marketing. Click here for more details about the candidates.

  The Outdoor Industry Ambassador Award recognizes a company that has made significant and ongoing achievements toward the growth of participation in outdoor activities. Those efforts could include spearheading conservation programs, the development and support of programs or efforts intended to serve as model practices for the industry, the introduction and advancement of responsible tourism practices, outstanding consumer outreach campaigns, or strides in encouraging youth to develop an active outdoor lifestyle. This award pays tribute to a company that has embraced a worthy cause and made a significant achievement. The finalists are Adventure Cycling Association, Bay Area Wilderness Training, Great Outdoor Provision Company, Mountain Gear, Sierra Club, and The Coleman Company. Click here for more details about the candidates.

  Previous recipients of the OIA Ambassador Award include Atlas Snowshoes, Backpacker magazine, and River Sports Outfitters. Previous recipients of the OIA Innovator Award were Kirk Richardson of Keen Footwear and Gary Erickson, founder and owner of Clif Bar.

  "The impressive achievements of these finalists have had a significant impact on advancing our industry, and we look forward to honoring them and announcing the winners on January 23rd," said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of OIA.
