
国际 16年前


  ECCO首席执行官Dieter Kasprzak说,“我们的15,000名雇员表现地很出色。ECCO的2007年经营利润是1.557亿美元,而去年是1.419亿美元,同期增长了9.7%。税前综合利润是1.414亿美元,去年是1.326亿美元,同期增长了6.5%。税后综合利润扣除少数股东权益是1.006亿美元,去年是0.914亿美元,同期增长了9.8%。截至到2007年12月31日,总资产是8.304亿美元,较去年增长了15.5%即1.113亿美元。普通股从2006年的4.0838亿美元上涨到3.062亿美元,增长了20%。偿付率从2006年的47.4%上涨到49.2%,确保了ECCO的财政独立和总体规划的发展。



  1963年,35岁的丹麦鞋匠卡尔·土斯比(KARL TOOSBUY)创立了爱步。卡尔·土斯比先生注意到了19世纪70年代的年轻消费者的需求。他们叛逆,追求自由,想摆脱传统的束缚。 他们不愿穿上一代人的呆板、沉重、保守的鞋子到处走,而想穿舒服的、与众不同的的鞋子。卡尔·土斯比先生的想法马上付诸行动。ECCO以舒适、柔软、与脚型吻合的三大特点很快征服了当时的年轻人。ECCO的诞生意味着鞋类产业开始一场创新的革命。



  原文:ECCO Sales Almost Hit $1 Billion in 2007

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 3/26/2008

  After-tax profits at Danish footwear maker ECCO Sko A/S broke the $100 million mark on a 16.8% increase in sales to nearly $1 billion in 2007. The company said it sold 16.9 million pairs,  up 14.5%.

  "The 15,000 employees at our tanneries, shoe factories, centralised functions, distribution centres, wholesale and retail organisations can all take credit for our outstanding performance," said ECCO CEO Dieter Kasprzak.

  Operating profit (EBIT) was DKK 833m ($155.7mm), against DKK 759m ($141.9mm)  the year before, corresponding to a 9.7% increase. Consolidated profit before tax rose by 6.5% to DKK 756m ($141.4mm) from DKK 709m ($132.6mm) in 2006. Profit after tax excluding minority interests was DKK 538m ($100.6mm), against DKK 489m ($91.4mm) the year before, corresponding to an increase of 9.8%.

  As of Dec. 31, 2007, total assets stood at DKK 4,215m ($830.4mm), representing an increase of 15.5% or DKK 565m ($111.3mm).

  Equity grew by 20% from DKK 1,730m ($306.2mm) at year-end 2006 to DKK 2,073m ($408.38) as of Dec. 31, 2007. The solvency ratio rose from 47.4% to 49.2%, supporting ECCO's overall goal of retaining the greatest possible financial independence.

  Despite a challenging global economic setting, ECCO also expects a positive trend in 2008, and this is supported by current order intake and sales. The growth forecasts for 2008 are slightly subdued as compared with the growth rates achieved in 2006 and 2007.

  We expect an operating margin on a level with 2007.

  The Group's level of investment for 2008 will be significantly higher than in recent years. ECCO will continue to make sizeable investments in concept sales, including selected own shops and expansion of its franchise shop network, and infrastructure. In addition, we are investing heavily in the expansion of our production capacity, not least in a new tannery in China and in expanding production in Thailand and Indonesia.
