乔戈里峰—野蛮之峰 [组图]

登雪山 20年前



  The climbing history of K2【1】, Chogori, Mount Godwin-Austen, from the first try in 1902, until the Italian success in 1954.




  K2 was first described by the British colonel T.G. Montgomery in 1856 while doing a survey of the area. He named the peaks in the order he saw them, K1, K2, K3, etc. The K stands for Karakorum. Today K2 is the only major mountain that still uses its surveyors notation name as its most common name. K2 with its height of 8,611 meters is the second highest mountain in the world and is regarded as one of the hardest to climb.



  1902 - THE FIRST TRY


  In 1902, a six-man group of European climbers, led by the Englishman Eckenstein, headed for K2. They chose the time before the monsoon.

  They first crossed the Baltoro glacier, which with its length of 67 kilometres is the worlds third largest. The expedition reached the mountains foot and planned to make the attempt directly from the south over the Southeast Ridge, but when in place they came to the conclusion that the Northeast Ridge is probably much easier. Several attempts were made without success. They only reached 6,600 metres - this group had an unrealistic goal, and didnt realise their limits. At this time, early in the century, they had no idea of the difficulties in ascending such a high mountain.
