
装备综合 21年前

  A Brief History of Friends

  Written for the Wild Country Catalog

  by Ray Jardine - April 19, 1998





  1973年夏天Mike Lowe向我推销他兄弟Greg Lowe发明的新凸轮岩楔,他声称这种等角凸轮的设计没有问题。本能的我发现到这个概念应该可行,也许这正是我在寻找的构想。我买了其中三个,不幸的是当我第一次用它们时,这三个岩楔都从裂隙中弹出,顺著绳子滑到确保者处,害我在没有任何保护下爬完5.9的拳头裂隙,这也是我最后一次使用它们了。

  ■Greg Lowes orignial design --- Anchordevice for mountain climbers


  由概念到创造出确实可行的装置原来并不容易,回顾来看,它需要有航天机械技能,探索的心加上持续的动力与对攀岩的热情——或许是一种少有的组合。接下来好几个月我在Bill Forrest的机械工厂制作凸轮的原型,并在附近岩场试用,晚上进行改良,结果是产出数以箱计的废弃原型。


  一天,当我试完所有可能的组合后,从Creator那儿我又得到了好主意,使用两个反向、独立弹簧驱动的凸轮,像汽车的四轮独立悬吊系统一般,每个凸轮可以对应不同规则的岩面。我拿一组“Quads”到岩场试用,这组弹簧驱动的活动凸轮,用高张力螺丝连结一起,然后用一根铁杆当连接杆,当然这是没有制动机构的。在Split Rocks的Fantasia路线(5.8)上,我攀到一处岩阶将Quad塞入手掌大小的裂隙中,然后放开双手,就在同时我知道这就是我寻找多时的答案了。

  ■Friend P1-1, photo R.J.

  1973年秋末我制作的第一个真正堪用的Friend。这是花了数个月的精研,数以百计的构思才有的心血结晶。它没有制动机构,连接杆也不是最佳的设计,但足以测试个别凸轮的构想是否可行,这组原型基本上只在Fantasia用过一次(Split Rocks, CO)。

  次年春天(1974)我拿著这组Friends到优胜美地,并且用它们攀登了无数困难的路线,以目前科技的眼光来看这组Friends算是相当粗糙、有限的,因为只有数个2-1/2和3-1/2的大小。不过,这已证明了它们的价值,在季节末我们三人甚至打算用这些Friends以一天时间挑战Nose路线。然而一场突如其然的大雨将我们困在Great Roof下达三小时,迫使我们不得不露宿在Camp V。不过,我们终究是以28小时完成了,将原先三天的记录缩短一半以上。

  ■Friend P2-2.5, photo R.J.

  这是我第一个使用的原型,他的大小相当於今天2-1/2的Friend,我做了三个这种大小以及两个3-1/2大小的。我在1974年春季的攀登季节中一直使用著它们,最后并与Lou Dawson 和 Kris Walker 以1.5天(或20攀登小时)完成Nose路线,以往这是需要三天时间的。


  1977年Mark Vallance邀请我到英国帮他制造Friends,Mark是一位专注、多才多艺的人,同时也是第一位预见Friends会被广泛使用的人,当然以目前来看这是无庸置疑的,但在当时却不如此,Mark应是首位将Friends推上市场的人,次年Mark并成立了Wild Country开始销售Friends。

  ■Friends, photo R.J.



  译注∶Ray Jardine於1973~74年冬天发明Friends(当时他与他的朋友如此称呼它),1974年春天开始於优胜美地使用该项发明,那年秋季他并於Summit杂志投稿一篇文章(A VISION OF THE LAND OF SEM⌒by Ray Jardine)叙述使用这项发明攀登的两条路线,但该文并未被接受,原因是其纯科幻式的描述方式令当时主编觉得不可思议(当年曾目睹Friends的人不超过一打),或许是其刻意隐藏这项发明,所以迟至1978年后Friends才正式上市。

  (译注∶Friends原始专利——Climbing aids为美国专利字号4184657,申请日期May 30, 1978,公告日期Jan. 22, 1980,专利期限自申请日起算20年,所以目前应已届满。)

  Friends的发明者Ray Jardine



  A Brief History of Friends

  Written for the Wild Country Catalog

  by Ray Jardine - April 19, 1998

  Some day we climbers may wear special gloves and shoes enabling us to scale blank walls like spiders. Should we fall off, like spiders our body harnesses may instantly attach safety lines to the rock. If and when inventors develop this technology, we will no doubt consider it clever . . . but obvious - thanks to our 20-20 hindsight. But for now, none of us can envision the details.

  And so it was with the Friends 25 years ago when I was inventing them. The need was apparent, at least to me, but the actual configuration was elusive to everyone.

  Seeking a devise that would anchor itself in a crack, and hold with greater power the harder the pull, I began the inventive process in 1971 with a dual sliding wedge design. Taking advantage of my aerospace engineering background I analyzed this configuration and found it mathematically unsound. The internal friction between any kind of wedges reduce their holding power, and in many situations such a device could pull out. I was inventing for my own use, and was not about to compromise safety.

  The summer of 1973 Mike Lowe tried to sell me a few of his new Cam Nuts, which he said his brother Greg had invented. They worked, he explained, on the principle of the constant angle cam. Intuitively I saw that the concept was viable, and felt that here might be the idea I had been looking for. I bought three of them. Unfortunately the first time I used them all three flipped out and went sliding down the rope into my belayers arms, leaving me running out a 5.9 fist crack unprotected. That was also the last time I used them.

  The constant angle spiral is ubiquitous in Nature, from seashells and pinecones to swirling barometric pressure gradients and the great spiral nebulas. Really, it is just an expression of uniform growth. Descartes described the principle mathematically in 1638, calling it the equiangular spiral. Since then, constant angle cams have been used in uncountable mechanical devices. I dont know where Greg got his idea of applying the concept to a crack anchoring device. Perhaps it was from the Jumar ascender, which uses a more-or-less constant angle cam to clinch the rope. At any rate we have Greg to thank for introducing the concept to crack anchoring technology.

  Configuring a workable device, however, proved to be an enormous task. In retrospect it took someone with aerospace engineering skills, a questing mind coupled with extreme motivation and a passion for climbing - something of a rare combination perhaps. For months I worked in Bill Forrests machine shop building camming prototypes, testing them at the local crags and innovating design improvements in the evenings at home. In the end I filled a couple of sizable boxes with discarded prototypes.

  Many of these designs were later backwards engineered on the basis of Friends by other companies, and are in production today. This despite the fact that I found them wanting from the beginning, and discarded them. For after all, I did not have to compete with myself, and therefore I had the luxury of moving beyond inferior designs.

  Then one day after trying absolutely everything I could think of, and continually straining my mind for ever more ideas, the Creator enlightened me with the concept of a double set of opposing and independently spring loaded cams. Like wheels of a car having independent suspension, each of these cams would be able to adjust to widely varying surface irregularities, within limits of course. I put one of these "quads" together and took it to the crags for testing. The cams were spring loaded against each-other, and they were held together with a high-tensile steel bolt. But the bolt was wrapped with a piece of ordinary strap iron as a stem, and of course the device lacked any kind of trigger. On a 5.8 route which I called Fantasia, located at Split Rocks, I climbed to a stance where I could almost let go with both hands, and managed to squiggle the Quad into a hand-sized crack. By the way it behaved I knew instantly that it was the solution to the problem I had been working on all that time.

  This is Friend #1, my first functioning model built in the late fall of 1973. It was the product of months of prototyping literally hundreds of other ideas that ultimately led me to this. It had no trigger, and the stem was completely make-shift, just enough to allow testing of the independent-quad concept. This unit went up only one climb, Fantasia at Split Rocks, west of Lyons, CO.

  The following spring, 1974, I took my first set of working prototype Friends to Yosemite and climbed dozens of difficult routes with them. These units were rough hewn and extremely limited by todays standards, and I had only a few 2-1/2s and 3-1/2s. But they certainly proved their worth, and at seasons end three of us used them in an attempt to climb the Nose in a day. Three hours of downpour late that afternoon immobilized us beneath the Great Roof and forced a bivy at Camp V. But we did finish in 28 hours total climbing time, and managed to cut the previous three-day record in half.

  This is my first working prototype. In size it is equivalent to todays 2-1/2. I made three of these, and two size 3-1/2. And used them the full Spring climbing season 1974, culminating with an ascent of the Nose with Lou Dawson and Kris Walker, in 1.5 days, or 20 hours total climbing time. Previous record was 3 days.

  For the next six years I continued making improved prototypes. My focus was not in their commercial application, but on the literally thousands of routes I used them on, mostly in Yosemite. My partners were limited in number and "sworn to secrecy" because I felt a little paranoid about the idea being ripped off by some manufacturer. Meanwhile, I certainly did give the Lowe brothers plenty of time to introduce workable camming devices of their own invention, which they did not.

  In 1977 Mark Vallance invited me to the UK to help him start manufacturing Friends. Mark is a highly dedicated and gifted individual, and was the first person to foresee the widespread appeal of Friends. Friend marketability is obvious now, but it certainly was not then, and Mark was the visionary who made it happen. The next year Mark founded Wild Country and started selling Friends.

  This are the later generation prototypes that I used for most of my Yosemite climbing from 1975 to 1978 when the production units went on sale. I had five sets of each size.

  What do I think of todays preponderance of Friend look-alikes and so-called improvements? First, I feel that a certain amount of it is blatantly inferior. In the same vein that people would not go to quacks for brain surgery, climbers would be unwise to entrust their lives to cheap Friend imitations made of inferior materials. If you have something like this on your rack, you might consider getting rid of it. Secondly, there are all sorts of gizmos out there which, in my mind at least, are theoretically unsound. Three cam units are one example. Analogously, three wheeled vehicles were banned from the marketplace years ago because of their inherent instability. Many other gizmos out there are mathematically unsafe, and I certainly would not bet my life on them! Thirdly, there are a number of so-called improvements which in reality are nothing but patent work-arounds. I suspect that they will fade from vogue over time - meanwhile we might be aware of the hype. And lastly, now that the Friend patents are expiring we are seeing virtual-copies by major manufacturers. I believe in higher laws, which is the main reason why I recommend only the genuine articles - Friends. These are made by Wild Country and described in this catalog.
