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赫拉特(Herat)位于伊朗高原古老的商队路线上,作为丝绸之路的咽喉锁钥之地,在地缘zz的博弈中具有无比重要的战略位置,是呼罗珊大道的必经之地,也是阿拉伯人与蒙古人征服后幸存至今的为数不多的古城之一,在欧亚文明交往的历史中作为zz、经济和文化名城留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,为帖木儿文艺复兴提供了一个大放异彩的舞台。赫拉特的马兰桥(Malan Beidge)(图源网络)

赫拉特是我阿富汗之行的最后一站,一日游后便通过Islam Qala口岸进入伊朗,开启从马什哈德到大不里士长达三周的深度旅行。回望在阿富汗的十天,闭上双眼仿佛能看到巴米扬的大佛面朝白雪皑皑的群山,东征西伐的铁骑驰骋在喀布尔河河畔,风尘仆仆的商旅走过丝路上的蓝氏城址,千万重深沉悠扬的驼铃声响在哈里河谷渺渺回荡,与远处风声中依稀传来的人喊马嘶相互交织,就如闯入了一个并不真切的陌生世界,然而一座座恢宏而又终将湮没在历史长河中的古迹却又历历在目,蓝色波卡下的模糊背影久久萦绕在我的心中。


Islam Qala口岸


A Path of Devotion

In this path the eye must cease to see,

And the ear to hear,

Save unto Him, and about Him.

Be as dust on His path.

Even the kings of this earth

Make the dust of His feet

The balm of their eyes.

Devotion for Thee

Life in my body pulsates only for Thee,

My heart beats in resignation to Thy will.

If on my dust a tuft of grass were to grow

Every blade would tremble with my devotion for Thee!

Empty Me of Everything But Your Love

Lord, send me staggering with the wine

Of Your love!

Ring my feet

With the chains of Your slavery!

Empty me of everything but Your love

And in it destroy and resurrect me!

Any hunger You awaken

Can only end in Feast!

Give Me

O Lord, give me a heart

I can pour out in thanksgiving.

Give me life

So I can spend it

Working for the salvation of the world.

In Each Breath

O you who have departed from your own self,

and who have not yet reached the Friend:

do not be sad, for

He is accompanying you in each of your breaths.

The Beauty of Oneness

Any eye filled with the vision of this world

     cannot see the attributes of the Hereafter,

Any eye filled with the attributes of the Hereafter

     would be deprived of the Beauty of Oneness.

The Friend Beside Me

O God

You know why I am happy:

     It is because I seek Your company,

     not through my own efforts.

O God,

You decided and I did not.

     I found the Friend beside me

     when I woke up!

The one You kill

The one You kill,


Does not smell of blood,

And the one You burn

Does not reek of smoke.

He You burn laughs as he burns

And the one You kill,

As You kill him,

Cries out in ecstasy.

I Came

From the un-manifest I came,

And pitched my tent, in the Forest of Material existence.

I passed through mineral and vegetable kingdoms,

Then my mental equipment carried me into the animal kingdom;

Having reached there I crossed beyond it;

Then in the crystal clear shell of human heart

I nursed the drop of self in a Pearl,

And in association with good men

Wandered round the Prayer House,

And having experienced that, crossed beyond it;

Then I took the road that leads to Him,

And became a slave at His gate;

Then the duality disappeared

And I became absorbed in Him.

The End

圣陵西门外有一座名为Namakdan的建筑,外部为十二边形,内部为八角形,还有一座凉亭用来纪念曾因发生在这里的恐怖袭击而丧生的无辜群众,南侧有一座名为Zarnigar Khanah的建筑应该也是一座陵墓。圣陵西北的山坡上有一座由忽辛·拜哈拉建造的名为Takht-i-Safar的波斯花园,罗伯特·拜伦将其称为“旅行者王座”,由于天色渐晚便没有到访。



Zarnigar Khanah

Zarnigar Khanah

Zarnigar Khanah










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