国外探洞大片,山力士征途2(zengto2)实地测评 - 装备天下 - 8264户外手机版

本帖最后由 SUNREE 于 2014-11-4 14:30 编辑

征途2 产品测试----来自Buio Verticale 探洞团队









我们开始在不同条件下测试这款头灯,例如Monte Cucco 洞穴的探测(Monte Cucco: 意大利最深且最大的洞穴),Eiskogelhöhle的参观以及澳大利亚的冰洞探险。

在我们这些平常的探洞活动中,我们也在Monte Cucco 洞穴中发现了一片新区域。这里非常的狭窄,对于头灯的撞击也会非常的多,泥浆和水也很多。在这种情况下,我们的探洞还是很顺利,在这里非常感谢山力士征途2这款头灯。



最让我们震惊的莫过于他的亮度,真的达到了195流明。在整个探洞过程中,光照视野特别好。但是探洞的头灯还有一点也是很重要的,那就是照射的角度,而作为一款探洞专用头灯,征途2也必须满足这个条件。征途2在泛光模式下的照射角度很大,且亮度高达203流明。感谢征途2,让我们在Monte CuccoEiskogelhöhle 中看到了更多并拍摄了许多好的照片。





Buio Verticale 团队


Zengto2 test by Buio Verticale caving group

Going into the caves is really challenging and the life of our equipment is very difficult: humidity, mud, low temperatures, frequent shocks. Every part of our equipment must be easy to use, durable and reliable, especially with regard to the light. The caves are the darkest place on earth and have a good light is essential. Remain in the dark can be a great danger. For this reason, we need reliable lights with a good durability.

Our caving group was born a short time ago but we have a very intense activity: caving, canyoning and hiking are the main ones but we do a lot of other outdoor activities. Having to completely renovate the equipment of the group we decided to do a search to find the best solution for illumination in the cave and for outdoor. Our passion is also to take pictures in the cave and we need a lot of light for this.

Currently on the market there are many types of LED headlamps, many manufacturers promise outstanding performance, many other a long durability, but many of these are not suitable for cave and outdoor activities because they are unreliable or built with substandard materials, or are high quality and extremely expensive.

Searching on the web we found the Sunree lamps, comparing these with other products on the market we realized that these lamps have excellent technical characteristics and an excellent rating betwen price and quality, so we decided to try them.

Sunree is a company specialized in the production of outdoor lighting products for many years and its products are the result of extensive research and a long technical development. This has allowed the company to become one of the most important and respected manufacturers worldwide.

So we decided to request more information directly to the company. They has been very helpful and asked us to try their lamps and give them our opinion. This company avails itself of professionals test team who provide important information for the development of the products, but also for the updates and product improvement.

This company have a lot of lamps for all uotdoor use. One of the top category products is Zengto 2 headlamp, a very powerful lamp, waterproof and durable, so we asked to be able to test it for caving and few days after the company send us two of this new lamps.

So we started to test these lamps in different conditions, for example during the explorations of the Cave of Monte Cucco, one of the deepest and largest cave in  Italy or during the visit to the Eiskogelhöhle, an ice cave in Austria.

During our usual activitie we have discovered also a new part of Monte Cucco Cave, in this new area tunnels are very narrow and lamps are subject to many shocks, there is also a large amount of mud and water. In these conditions we were able to appreciate some very good features of this lamp.

The first quality is the smallness, when passing through tight spaces is necessary that the lamp is not cumbersome to facilitate the passing.

Another important characteristic is its resistance to water and mud, in fact, this lamp is waterproof to IPX7 international standards and is very resistant to shocks, especially the battery pack that is very strong.

One thing that amazed us then is his power, that reaches 195 lumens real, this means that the depth of light allow us to see at great distances in big underground ambients. But the most important thing for the cave is the progression light, this light have to have a very wide angle. Zengto 2 have an exellent floodlight with a very large projection angle and it's powerful, reaches 203 lumens. These features we were able to appreciate them in the cave of Monte Cucco and in Eiskogelhöhle that have some very large environments, difficult to illuminate and to photograph.

Another thing that surprised us was the duration, using two AA batteries we thought the light would last very little, however, we realized that using light intermediate (50 lumens), which is normally sufficient for the progression in caves, duration is very long and usually adequate for normal cave activities. Even  with full power light, however, the durability is good and greatly increases if you use rechargeable 3,7 Volts lithium batteries. Yes, because this lamp have a very clever solution, you can use two kind of batteries: AA and Litium, with different voltage.

Another intelligent solution that we really liked is the light that illuminates the battery pack inside when you replace the batteries, an ingenious solution that in the cave can be extremely useful. Battery replacement is in fact a delicate operation because, if not you have another emergency light, you can remain it in the dark. The designers of Sunree have found this fantastic solution, when you open the battery pack turns on a little light inside and make battery replacement is very easy.

During of our adventures in the darkness we used the Zengto 2 headlamp in many difficult conditions, with water, mud, ice and we subjecting them to many demanding tests and they have proved to be of good lamps for caving and outdoor use, very reliable and resistant.

Thank you Sunree!

Buio Verticale!

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