对欧洲户外运动产业协会(EOG)总书记Mark Held的专访

国际 17年前

  作为国际户外运动产业的代表,欧洲户外运动产业协会(EOG) 自2003年以来一直维持在业界的重要地位。最近,我们对 EOG总书记Mark Held关于户外运动产业、德国菲德烈斯哈芬展览以及环境保护部门的职责方面进行了一次采访。

  As an international representative of the outdoor industry, the European Outdoor Group (EOG) has worked to safeguard its interests since 2003. Mark Held, General Secretary of the EOG, recently conducted an interview on the OutDoor, Messe Friedrichshafen trade show, and the responsibility of the sector in terms of environmental protection.

  记者:Held先生,EOG和Messe Friedrichshafen之间有着良好的伙伴关系。初期发生了许多事情,您认为以后合作的发展空间有多大?

  Mr. Held, the EOG and Messe Friedrichshafen enjoy a good partnership. A lot has happened since its early days. How would you say has the cooperation developed over the years?

  Mark Held:这始于四年前。当年的决定是这样的,至少在2008年以前,户外展应设在德国Friedrichshafen市。EOG是户外展的所有者。德国菲德烈斯哈芬展览有限公司(Messe Friedrichshafen)是我们的合作伙伴,所以他们代表EOG组织和举办户外展。我们以正式合同为依据一起合作。我们为一个共同的愿望而努力,那就是使户外展举办的更成功。Messe Friedrichshafen项目小组很活跃,我们的合作确实是一种工作的享受。我相信你能感受到这种和谐的氛围。

  Mark Held: It all started four years ago. Back then, the decision was made that the OutDoor should be hosted in Friedrichshafen until at least 2008. The EOG is owner of the rights to the OutDoor show. Messe Friedrichshafen is our cooperation partner, so they organise and host the OutDoor show on behalf of the EOG. The cooperation is, of course, governed by formal contracts. On a day to day basis, however, it is characterised by a shared desire to make the OutDoor even more successful. The Project Team of Messe Friedrichshafen is very lively and our cooperation is defined by enjoyment of our work. And I think you can feel this enjoyment in the atmosphere at the fair.


  What is so special about Friedrichshafen as a trade fair venue?

  Mark Held:大部分的国际贸易交流会都会在大城市举行,所以我想Friedrichshafen的关键区别在于其国家的政策。这赋予展会一种特殊的性质,而且这里的旅游氛围也对户外运动有所影响。

  Mark Held: Most international trade fairs are held in large cities so I suppose the key differentiator for Friedrichshafen is its country setting. This gives the show a special character, and the ambience of the holiday destination has an impact on everything to do with, and at, the OutDoor.


  At the OutDoor 2006, the EOG introduced its EOG Association for Conservation initiative to fund projects geared to preserving the nature. What are the developments here?

  Mark Held:EOG环境保护基金是户外行业的一个重大举措。毕竟,该部门是否存在是建立在人们对自然环境的关注程度上的, 这样看来,谁比我们更应该拿出钱来保护自然呢? 第一,这是一项艰苦的工作,但我很高兴地说,业界的响应一直颇为热烈。我们不但能达到甚至能够超越第一年筹集15万欧元这个目标。我们将在2007户外展上公布前五笔获得的资助。保护和保留原生态环境是一个涉及到所有在户外产业工作的人们的一个问题,这就是EOG协会所起到的作用。我们欢迎其他各个公司都参与进来。

  Mark Held: The EOG‘s Association for Conservation is a major initiative for the outdoor industry. After all, the sector makes its living from people enjoyment of the natural environment, so who better than us to raise money to protect and preserve it? It was hard work at first but I’m pleased to say that the industry has embraced the initiative quite enthusiastically. Not only were we able to reach our target of raising 150,000 Euro in the first year, we even managed to exceed it. The first five specific projects to be funded will be announced at the OutDoor 2007. Protecting and preserving untouched nature is an issue that concerns anyone working in the outdoor industry, which is why the EOG Association for Conservation?welcomes any company involved in this sector.


  The OutDoor in particular gives you the opportunity to promote the initiative to many exhibitors. How will you present the environmental protection initiative at the OutDoor 2007?

  Mark Held:我们制订了很多计划。首先,我们将在展会大厅西入口处的A1有一个展位,那里布展出倡议的具体细节和具体项目。然后在第二天,我们将举办一次发布会,届时将会公布一些项目方案。在Open-Air Movie Night(户外电影之夜),我们将放映一个叫Al Gore‘s An Inconvenient Truth的关于处理全球变暖问题的影片。

  Mark Held: We have lots of things planned. First of all, we will have an exhibition booth just outside hall A1, West Entrance, where details of the initiative and of specific projects will be provided. Then on the second day, we will be hosting an open meeting where the first projects will be announced. At the Open-Air Movie Night, we will be hosting a showing of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth which deals with the issue of global warming.
