克诺特·耶格(Knut Jaeger)造访户外资料网总部,为“户外观察”栏目增添了新的内容与色彩。耶格先生早年创立Big Pack品牌,后担任了八年的德国户外协会主席,并创办了欧洲户外展与亚洲户外展。我所看到的耶格,是一个敬业者,他经过整整一个下午的交谈后,仍然接受了我的采访,时间长达一个多小时;采访中,我领略到了德国人的严谨与实业者的内敛。与耶格同来的林家仪女士担任口译,她丰富的专业知识,恰当的遣词用语,使采访非常成功。我所注重的是耶格的国际视野与成熟的户外产业经验,想请他尽量完整的表达对当前中国户外产业的观点;希望对中国户外产业发展有所帮助。以下就是采访的全部文字,并请8264的美女Lucy整理了英文录音附其后,我最后做了综译与定稿,书到用时方恨少,阙漏不少,请方家指正。

耶格:1976年,我创办了Big Pack品牌。1994年,我参与创办了欧洲户外展,把户外用品从体育展会中独立出来。我担任了八年的德国户外协会主席,后来德国户外协会发展成为了欧洲户外协会,并将菲德列斯哈芬展览公司作为亲密的合作伙伴。这些经历让我熟悉户外市场和户外产业两方面的需求。户外市场要求我们要努力发展出独立的户外展会,是纯户外用品展会,而不是与体育用品混在一起。2002年,我出售了Big Pack。2004年,我来到中国,目标是创办亚洲或者中国户外展,是纯户外用品展,而不是体育用品展。
Thomas: As one of founders of Asia Outdoor. Could you please tell the historical background at that time?
Jaeger: First I developed outdoor brand Big Pack in 1976, and in 1994, the European Outdoor Fair was developed from the sports fair.I was the 8-year the chairman for the German Outdoor Group and then followed up the fair Friedrichshafen. Europe Outdoor Group (EOG) chose Friedrichshafen as cooperation partner. According to that, I know what the market need and what the industry need. What the market need is how we can develop special outdoor fair with focus on 100 percent outdoor, not a mix. I sold out Big Pack,and in 2004 I went to China. My target was to develop Asia or Chinese outdoor show, 100% outdoor show, not sports show.
Thomas: Have you already reached your target?
Jaeger: Yes. They are growing with the same speed than the market, because they cannot go faster than the market, but the market grow 20-25% every year and the outdoor fair also grow 20-25% every year.
In 2011, we will grow over 20% by quality, because a lot of new foreign brands come; and we move into a completely new place.
Thomas: Will Messe Friedrichshafen has other new projects developed in China or do they like to more focus and more deep for outdoor industry?
Jaeger: Messe Friedrichshafen is the owner and organizer of the Euro Bike, Euro Bike we create is in cooperation with Asia Outdoor-the first Asia Bike. So this year, one ticket can be for two fairs -Asia Outdoor and Asia Bike.
Thomas: Messe Friedrichshafen and ISPO both come from Germany and now China have two famous fairs, ISPO in February and Asia Outdoor in July. What do you think about the competition between these two fairs and how we can make it move?
Jaeger: at the beginning, outdoor market was small and brands chose only one fair a year. Now the market is much bigger, coming out the winter outdoor fair and summer outdoor fair. We are summer fair, so we don't think we are competitor of ISPO. We are 100% outdoor, and ISPO not.
Thomas: As the consultant of VAUDE and good friend of VAUDE boss Davis before, now KAILAS is in charge of VAUDE business in China. How do you see the future among European outdoor brand, American outdoor brand and Chinese outdoor brand, these three different outdoor brands? And also for Asia outdoor fair, how do they think the right position for that?
Jaeger: I see more cooperation like KAILAS and VAUDE example: because VAUDE is international high-end brand and it can help to keep Kailas reputation in the high-end market, while VAUDE can open China market through KAILAS sales channels; this is a beginning from future opinion. The European and American brands with know-how and technology choose the local partners exchanged by and I think this is kind of cooperation in future more often.
Thomas: How does Asia Outdoor Fair work in this matchmaking?
Jaeger: Now European brand and Chinese brand are looking for a platform. We'd like to become a platform to let them help each other directly. Foreign brand cooperation with Chinese brand is a win-win situation, this is a coming future.
Thomas: Now the Chinese outdoor market is growing very fast every year over 40%. So which phase in Germany do you think is similar with China outdoor market in 2011?
Jaeger: I think 40% increase is not all the time. As for the question, Chinese outdoor situation in 2011 is similar with that of Germany 25-30 years ago, because German market is mature already. It's good to increase 3-5% every year.
Thomas: In Chinese industry, for development, production, sales, marketing, and these kinds of aspects, which do you think is the key point?
Jaeger: For Chinese brand, they must learn development and own production without copy. And if they are ready to follow up this, they are really different to others, and they will find higher speed of the moment.
In production, Chinese brands have their advantages; their product sourcing is local.
In marketing, China does well, but in my eyes, many Chinese brands don't care too much on outdoor stores in sales; besides of this, many of them too much focus on soft outdoor, not so much on high-end and professional outdoor. When they have enough money, it is not a problem to invest a lot to shopping mall, but it's not easy to succeed finally for most brands in the long run.
Thomas: For Chinese people and Asian people, what's the difference between they do outdoor sports with European people? How to increase interactivity to outdoor fans? And could please give comments to 8264?
Jaeger: in Germany, we have 82 million population and 30% of them like outdoor sports. They like to do something outdoor for health like hiking. For Chinese people of this moment, the percentage is very limited. That means all platforms - the fair, the brand, the dealer, and the media must do a lot to transmit the outdoor philosophy to the market. Now we have many more people go to mall in the weekend instead of hiking. But if attendance to do more outdoor sports for health, it can increase more outdoor lovers
For 8264, it's a very important platform for development of outdoor market. It brings the core industry dealers and consumers together, exchange marketing information, outdoor information. 8264 at soft beginning follows up very clear routes to the industry, fair and consumer and he has a bright future.
Also, Asia Outdoor is not only a fair for sale, it's a marketing platform and the marketplace for all industry and all dealers. The market that exchanges news what's going on is more important than it is, and 8264 has important internet platform and important tools to cooperate with this.
Thomas: Toread has been listed and Sanfo also prepare to do that. Do you think what they do is a pioneer? Would you like to give some comments to small and medium brands and dealers?
Jaeger: Toread does a very good job and shows the Chinese outdoor industry to foreign market. And of course, it's a dream for many other Chinese brands and retailers like Sanfo to follow in. It's the brand to get chance to take over enough money for the future development.
For small and medium dealers, they have to find other investment from the market, with the same situation to small and medium brands, but the market grow very fast and they have chances. For instance, Kailas in less than 10 years grows into a big player.
Brands must be innovative, and continue to develop its quality, and keep word of mouth advertisement. They have chance to grow even they don't have enough money. For small brands, they can grow in safe way in the cooperation with specialized dealers. If brand has enough money, they can grow through its outdoor store or shopping mall, so both have chance.
Thomas: In the European and American outdoor industry, what do they think in their eyes to follow up the Chinese market? Do they more think closely that they will cooperate with them, or China market is coming, then they go there and eat the cake?
Jaeger: Both, because medium and high brands are now looking into China. When they have enough money they like to be alone to eat the cake; if not, they will be looking for strategies. some have enough money to invest China, but they will think the part of cooperation is better to follow in. VAUDE and KAILAS is a pioneer on this.
Thomas: From the industry on association side, in their eyes, what do you think they more like cooperate with Chinese brand or they eat their own cake?
Jaeger: Association has no influence on what the brand is doing- marketing or policy.
They bring industry together to follow up. They build the sound standard and continue new standard-quality standard and safety standard. The working group checks what the market need and product need and be member of the standard organization in Germany or Europe to take care that standard is not a gain to Germany but gain to Europe. The standard organization is not organized by law. It's a working group, include Consumer Station, Industry Station and Test Institute and sometime can be Media. One group has its own direction and can have a dialogue with government.
For instance, the testing people like to have high price because they make money by testing. The consumer of organization says safety is number one. The simple thing to operate is everything. The Industry says what technical feasibility is, which means products development cannot follow any dream. They must be followed up by technical feasibility.
The product technical advices are a lot of things positive, but sometimes the standard is too high but the product is too expensive, and nobody can buy. That means all the groups have to sit together to discuss and at the end they have a plan. These above are functions of outdoor associations. The association must create fashion also and announce to the media one year earlier than the product coming to the market. They give push to the market, but no political association attends and the group and it is not organized by government.