美、阿登山家联手完成Cerro Torre群峰连登 - 山伍成群 - 8264户外手机版

<P>  2008年1月21日至24日,阿根廷登山家Rolando Garibotti联手美国人Colin Haley完成当今全最令球攀登者垂涎的线路之一,巴塔哥尼亚高原的Cerro Torre峰群峰连登。</P>
<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" height=281 alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203183003Yicp.jpg#h" width=375 _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203183003Yicp.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>Haley (左) 和 Garibotti 在Cerro Torre顶峰</STRONG></P>
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<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203182702zrCS.jpg#h" _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203182702zrCS.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>Cerro Torre峰群<BR></STRONG>(<STRONG>左至右依次为:Cerro Torre、Torre Egger、<BR>Punta Herron和Cerro Standhardt</STRONG>)</P>
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<P>  这几座山峰包括Cerro Standhardt、Punta Herron、Torre Egger和Cerro Torre。20年前Ermanno Salvaterra、 Andrea Sarchi、 Maurizio Giarolli 和Elio Orlandi提出这个想法并为之努力过,但没有成功。</P>
<P>  仅仅两个月前,Ermanno Salvaterra、Alessandro Beltrami、 Mirko Masè 和 Fabio Salvadei曾尝试完成这项任务,并几近成功,完成了Standhardt, Herron 和 Torre Egger三座山峰的连登,但最终在Cerro Torre峰败下阵来。当时Garibotti 和另外一个登山者 Johnstone也尝试4峰连登并也终止在了Cerro Torre 峰。也许是命中注定,那次当Rolando Garibotti爬上Cerro Torre峰时(领先意大利登山队数个小时),隐约可见上面布满危险的冰帽,安全起见,他和Johnstone只能无奈的下撤。</P>
<P>  很多人说Garibotti 和Haley的这次攀登天公作美,非常适宜。也许也有很多人下错了赌注,他们认为Huber兄弟和Stepan Siegrist的团队会在1月中旬先行拿下这个挑战。但无论如何,Rolando Garibotti 和 Colin Haley最先完成了Cerro Torre群峰的连登。</P>
<P>  <STRONG>攀登线路简介</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>  </STRONG>Rolando Garibotti 和 Colin Haley从Standhardt峰的Exocet路线开始,然后转到dei Sogni山口,沿着Spigolo dei Bimbi路线登顶Punta Herron峰然后再转到Lux山口沿着2005年Huber-Schnarf路线登顶Egger峰,再转到Conquest山口通过Egger峰南壁,通过El Arca de los Vientos上升路线转至Ferrari路线(西山脊)登顶Cerro Torre最后沿“压缩机”路线下撤。</P>
<P>  <STRONG>附</STRONG>:<STRONG>Garibotti 和Haley的攀登报告</STRONG>(<STRONG><A href="http://www.8264.com/29033.html" target=_blank _fcksavedurl="/29033.html"><FONT color=#0000ff>点击进入</FONT></A></STRONG>)</P>
<P align=right><STRONG>搜集/整理/翻译</STRONG>:<STRONG>大鹏 faye<BR>  校对</STRONG>:<STRONG>大鹏</STRONG></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>此文章属中国户外资料网编辑搜集整理</STRONG>,<STRONG>转载请注明出处</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>翻译水平有限,如有错误请您指正</FONT></STRONG></P>

[ 本帖最后由 darkblueocean 于 2008-2-3 19:23 编辑 ]
<P align=center><STRONG><FONT color=black><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203184527L3qb.jpg#h"><BR></FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>峰群<BR></FONT></STRONG><FONT color=black>(</FONT><STRONG><FONT color=black>左至右依次为:</FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>、Torre Egger、<BR>Punta Herron和Cerro Standhardt</FONT></STRONG><FONT color=black>)</FONT></P>
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<P><FONT color=black>  The Torre Traverse climbs from north to south the skyline comprised by Aguja Standhardt, Punta Herron, Torre Egger and </FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>, with approximately 2200 meters of </FONT><FONT color=black>vertical</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black> gain. This traverse is the brainchild of Italians Andrea Sarchi, Maurizio Giarolli, Elio Orlandi and Ermanno Salvaterra, who tried it on several oc</FONT><FONT color=black>casio</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>ns in the late 80s and early 1990s. In 1991 Salvaterra, together with Adriano Cavallaro and Ferruccio Vidi managed to climb to Punta Herron, completing what is likely the first ascent of the peak. Salvaterra climbed Herron via a new route on the north ridge, the aesthetic Spigolo dei Bimbi.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=black>  此次横切攀登的路线从北到南依次是Aguja Standhardt、 Punta Herron、 Torre Egger 和</FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>,垂直距离达2200米,由意大利</FONT><FONT color=black>登山队</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>(Andrea Sarchi, Maurizio Giarolli, Elio Orlandi and Ermanno Salvaterra组成)开辟,他们在上世纪80年代末和90年代初曾多次尝试完成此路线。1991年Salvaterra曾联合Adriano Cavallaro 和 Ferruccio Vidi试图完成首次攀登Punta Herron,Salvaterra沿Herron北坡的新路线Spigolo dei Bimbi.进行攀登,但未成功。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=black>  In early 2005, German Thomas Huber, together with the Swiss Andi Schnarf completed the Standhardt to Egger traverse. Having only intended to climb Standhardt via "Festerville," they decided on the summit to continue on toward Egger, and moving light and fast completed this section of the traverse in 38 hours round trip, and descended via Egger's "Titanic" route on the east ridge.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=black>  2005年初,德国人German Thomas Huber与瑞士人Andi Schnarf组队完成从Standhardt横切攀登至Egger峰。当时他们沿"Festerville"路线登顶Standhardt后,决定再向Egger峰进军,他们的动作非常轻快,整个过程共耗时38小时,从Egger峰东面山脊沿"Titanic"路线下山。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=black>  In late 2005, Salvaterra, together with Alessandro Beltrami and Rolando Garibotti, solved the last remaining puzzle of the traverse when they climbed </FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black> from the north via a new route, "Arca de los Vientos." With a route finally completed from the Col of Conquest to </FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>'s summit, Salvaterra returned in 2006 with Beltrami and Garibotti to try the traverse yet again, but bad weather pr</FONT><FONT color=black>event</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>ed him from getting further than Standhardt.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=black>  2005年年末,当Salvaterra、Alessandro Beltrami、Rolando Garibotti组成的攀登队在北坡沿名为"Arca de los Vientos."的新路线攀登</FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>的时候找到了4峰连登线路最后一个障碍的解决办法。在完成了从Conquest山口到</FONT><FONT color=black>Cerro Torre</FONT></FONT><FONT color=black>顶峰的线路之后,2006年三人再次返回试图4峰连登时,恶劣的天气把他们阻止在了Standhardt峰。a</FONT></P>
<P>  Unfazed, Salvaterra returned in late 2007 with Beltrami, Mirko Masse and Fabio Salvodei. On this attempt they climbed Standhardt via Salvaterra's own "Otra vez" and continued on to climb Herron and Egger. They descended to the south, to the Col of Conquest, and climbed one pitch on Cerro Torre before retreating. During that same period of good weather, Garibotti, together with Hans Johnstone, began the traverse on Standhardt's "Festerville." They climbed Herron and Egger, and continued past the Col of Conquest, completing half of the upper portion of Cerro Torre's "el Arca" before being turned back by a rime mushroom.</P>
<P>  Unfazed、 Salvaterra于2007年年底携手Beltrami、Mirko Masse 及 Fabio Salvodei重返巴塔哥尼亚高原。在那次行动中,他们沿Salvaterra开辟的"Otra vez"路线爬至Standhardt峰,随即又完成了Herron峰和Egger峰,然后从南坡下去又攀至Conquest山口,安了一个保护点后无奈撤退。同一时期,Garibotti和Hans Johnstone正沿"Festerville"路线攀登Standhardt峰,他们已完成Herron 和Egger峰,继续向Conquest山口进军。他们完成了Cerro Torre "el Arca"路线过半路程,后遇蘑菇状冰盖不得不半路返回。</P>
<P>  Garibotti, having now done all the pieces of the traverse decided to stay in Chalten for the reminder of the season to give the traverse another try. He teamed up with a number of other partners including Bruce Miller and Bean Bowers, but it was not until he teamed up with Colin Haley that another good weather window provided opportunity for another attempt. Haley, who put off a semester of university studies to stay in Patagonia longer, had the year before completed the much tried first link up of Cerro Torre's "A la Recherché du Temps Perdu" with the upper "West face" route, with Kelly Cordes.</P>
<P>  在完成了4峰连登的所有片断后,Garibotti一直呆在Chalten,等待好天气再次尝试一次完整的4峰连登。他曾与数人组对搭档攀登,其中包括Bruce Miller 和 Bean Bowers,但均未果。直至与Colin Haley组队后好天气时机才出现。为这次行动,Haley休学半年全力准备。</P>
<P>  Around mid January 2008 Alex and Thomas Huber, together with Swiss Stephan Siegrist arrived in Chalten, also with hopes of trying the traverse. On January 21st, in less than ideal weather and conditions, Haley and Garibotti began the traverse while the Hubers and Siegrist decided that conditions and weather were not suitable<STRONG>.</STRONG></P>
<P>  大约在1月份中旬, Huber兄弟还有瑞士人 Stephan Siegrist也试图连登巴塔哥尼亚数座山峰。1月21日Haley 和 Garibotti在Hubers 与 Siegrist仍然认为天气不适宜的时候决定开始攀登。</P>
<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" height=281 alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185634YEiq.jpg#h" width=375 _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185634YEiq.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>第一天Colin Haley 在恶劣的条件下沿<BR>Spigolo dei Bimbi路线攀登Punta Herron北山脊</STRONG></P>
<P>  Haley and Garibotti climbed Standhardt via "Exocet," reaching the summit slightly past midday, then rappelled to the Col dei Sogni between Standhardt and Herron. Climbing up "Spigolo dei Bimbi" they found rime covered rock and were forced to climb variations to pitches 2, 3 and 4. Slowed down by the snowy conditions and windy weather they bivied below the Herron mushrooms.</P>
<P>  在1月21日中午刚过,Haley 与 Garibotti沿"Exocet"线登顶Standhardt峰,然后沿绳索下降至Standhardt 峰和Herron峰交界的dei Sogni山口。当他们沿Spigolo dei Bimbi线路向Herron峰攀登的时候,他们发现那里的石头上结满了冰,因而被迫用不同的方式完成了第2、3、4个绳段。风雪天气减缓了他们前行速度,最终在Herron的冠状冰帽下宿营。</P>
<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185910HOS5.jpg#h" _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185910HOS5.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>Colin Haley在沿着布有严重冰岩混合路线的<BR>Cerro Torre南壁El Arca de los Vientos线路攀登</STRONG></P>
<P align=center><STRONG></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>
<P>  On January 22nd, in perfect weather but feeling unusually tired, likely due to carbon monoxide poisoning inside their bivy sack, they continued on over Herron and Egger to reach Cerro Torre. On Egger's north ridge they were also forced to climb some variations to avoid rime covered rock. The good weather brought unusually high temperatures, so upon reaching the Col of Conquest they were forced to find a place to hide from the falling ice, and stopped to bivy at around 5 PM under a prow of rock.</P>
<P>  1月22日,天气极好,但两人身体已极度疲乏,似乎在睡袋内有点一氧化碳中毒。他们还是继续沿着Herron峰和 Egger峰向Cerro Torre峰进发。在Egger峰的北山脊路线上为了躲避结冰的岩石,他们又被迫尝试了几种不同的方式攀登,好天气带来了高温的困扰,在到达Conquest山口后,他们被迫找了个地方躲避落冰,并在下午5点地时候在一个突出的岩石下露营。</P>
<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" height=500 alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185958mjr6.jpg#h" width=375 _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203185958mjr6.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>Haley领攀Cerro Torre西山脊的Ferrari路线的最后一个绳段,<BR>Haley在23号晚上和24号早上总共花费了4个小时<BR>来开凿向Cerro Torre顶峰的通道,在左下方你能看到Haley的路线<BR>在图的中央黑洞中的就是Haley</STRONG></P>
<P>  The next morning, January 23rd, brought a pleasant surprised when they discovered that the rime mushroom that had stopped Garibotti and Johnstone's attempt two months before, had fallen off. Haley and Garibotti found the upper "Arca" in worse conditions than Garibotti had encountered in 2005, and were forced to clean much ice from the cracks. Garibotti was forced to place one bolt at a crux pendulum to avoid yet another rime mushroom. Tired from the previous two days and slowed down by the conditions they reached the top of Cerro Torre's north face at 5 PM, and here joined the final pitches of the "Ferrari" route on the west ridge. They climbed two pitches through natural rime tunnels to reach the base of the last pitch, notorious for having turned many climbers around. Haley and Garibotti, both of who had led this final pitch before found it in more difficult condition that they had previously seen. This final pitch is climbed by laboriously digging vertical trenches through the rime, and since no other party had yet attempted it this season, they found the 50-meters of protection-less rime daunting. Haley attempted the pitch in the evening, digging 30 feet of half pipe in one hour before giving up for the day. Under a full moon they bivied one pitch below the Torre summit. "Rested" after a long night shivering, Haley attacked the pitch again, digging a tunnel from the top of his half pipe. He spent three hours completing a 20-meter tunnel inside the mushroom, and exited to finish in a naturally formed tunnel.</P>
<P>  1月23日清晨,他们惊喜的发现曾令Garibotti和Johnstone两个月前的攀登止步的岩石冰帽已脱落。但是当向上爬到 "Arca"段时,他们发现这里的状况比Garibotti 2005年攀登遇到的还要糟糕,不得不停下来将上面的冰面打碎。为避免另一快冰盖,Garibotti还在关键位置打了一个机械赛。前两天体力的过度消耗和一路上冰帽的影响,他们终于在23日下午5点钟到达Cerro Torre峰的北壁顶端并且开始了在西山脊上Ferrari线路的攀登。他们又顺着冰雪的天然石缝爬了两段绳距,到达最后一段绳距的休息点,一个曾经令众多攀登者望而止步的鬼地方。在上来之后他们才体会到这里的难度远远高于他们以往所见到的。要想攀过这里,必须在冰川上上凿出一道道垂直的沟壑。以前从没有人在冬季攀过这里,他们发现一道足有50米长无发设置任何保护点的冰川,危险可想而知。在夜幕下,Haley一个小时内试着挖了30英尺的一段通道后,他们放弃了这一天的征程,停下来休息。满月下,两人在距Torre峰顶仅剩下一段绳距的地方支起帐篷休息。颤抖的过了一夜之后,Haley继续在昨晚挖的沟上工作,三个小时后,他在冰盖上又凿出了一条20米长的沟,从而完成了一条通往峰顶的天然隧道。</P>
<P>  At midday on January 24th they reached the summit of Cerro Torre, completing the first ascent of the much-fantasized Torre Traverse. After a short rest they descended the "Compressor Route" along Cerro Torre's southeast ridge to reach the glacier below by evening. For maximum efficiency, Haley and Garibotti divided the leads based on their differing skills, Haley leading the pure ice and rime pitches, and Garibotti leading the rock and rime-covered rock. The follower jumared with a heavy pack, and the leader either climbed with a pack or hauled it depending on the terrain. Because of bad conditions they climbed slower than expected and summited Cerro Torre with no food left. Under ideal weather and conditions, and with the final "Ferrari" pitch already excavated, they feel the traverse could be done significantly faster.</P>
<P>  1月24日中午时分,Garibotti 和Haley终于登顶Cerro Torre峰,完成了梦幻般的Torre群峰连登。稍作休整后,他们再次启程,沿着Cerro Torre东南山脊的"压缩机"路线而下,在傍晚之前到达冰川处。为最大限度地提高效率,两人发挥各自技术特长,分别领攀。Haley负责纯冰雪路段,Garibotti则领攀冰岩混合路段。后面的人背负一个重包通过上升期器上升,而领攀者或是背着一个包下降或是根据地形托着装备。由于极度恶劣的天气,他们的速度比预想的要慢很多,而且登山Cerro Torre顶时,所有的食物都已吃光。他们觉得如果天气好,"Ferrari"段提前凿通的话,那么以后的连登速度要快很多。</P>
<P align=center><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cdc8a7 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cdc8a7 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cdc8a7 1px solid" alt="" src="http://image.8264.com/portal/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203190128KqWq.jpg#h" _fcksavedurl="/upload/Image/2008/200802/20080203/20080203190128KqWq.jpg#h"><BR><STRONG>Haley (左) 和 Garibotti 在Cerro Torre顶峰</STRONG></P>
<P align=center><STRONG></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left>  Although success on the Torre Traverse has been elusive because of strategy and weather difficulties Garibotti comments that it involves little extreme climbing, with difficulties never above 5.11 and A1. Other than the last "Ferrari" pitch there are no really committing leads. Garibotti feels that the future of Patagonia alpinism lies not in link-ups or traverses but perhaps in alpine style repeats of the inmense routes of the 1980s, such as Silvo Karo and Janez Jeglic's Cerro Torre South Face or their Devil's Directissima on the East Face. Having felt partly responsible for delaying an academic career, Garibotti was relieved upon returning to their bivouac in the Torre valley to hear Haley exclaim, "The Torre Traverse is way better than mineralogy homework!" A big thanks goes to "il Maestro", to Ermanno Salvaterra, for the idea, for the inspiration, and for continuing, 20 years on, to show the way...</P>
<P align=left>&nbsp;</P>
<P>  尽管已成功完成了Torre群峰的连登,但,Garibotti表示其实攀登过程中并没有达到什么攀登极限,难度也从没超过5.11 和 A1,一切只是战术上的问题和恶劣的气侯造成,除了最后"Ferrari"段很困难外,其他并没有什么特别的。Garibotti认为在以后巴塔哥尼亚登山技术中,不要仅仅着眼于各个山峰之间的连登,而应该多以阿尔卑斯登山方式攀登像80年代开辟的那些线路,像Silvo Karo 和 Janez Jeglic开辟的Cerro Torre峰南壁路线或东壁的"魔鬼Directissima"路线。而Haley对于成功的攀登却是兴奋不已,他激动的大喊:"太刺激了!这比做矿物学作业要好多了,非常感谢"il Maestro",感谢Ermanno Salvaterra提出这个设想,这个持续了20年的梦。"</P>
<P><STRONG>climbing.com 相关报道链接---<A href="http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/completetorretraverse/" target=_blank _fcksavedurl="http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/completetorretraverse/"><FONT color=#0000ff>点击进入</FONT></A><BR>alpinist.com 相关报道链接---<A href="http://www.alpinist.com/doc/web07-08w/newswire-torre-traverse-garibotti-haley" target=_blank _fcksavedurl="http://www.alpinist.com/doc/web07-08w/newswire-torre-traverse-garibotti-haley"><FONT color=#0000ff>点击进入</FONT></A></STRONG></P>
<P align=right><STRONG>翻译</STRONG>:<STRONG>大鹏 faye<BR>  校对</STRONG>:<STRONG>大鹏</STRONG></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>此文章属中国户外资料网编辑翻译</STRONG>,<STRONG>转载请注明出处</STRONG></FONT></P>
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[ 本帖最后由 darkblueocean 于 2008-2-3 19:23 编辑 ]
原帖由 <I>darkblueocean</I> 于 2008-2-3 19:20 发表 <A href="http://bbs.8264.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=1583856&amp;ptid=100434" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.8264.com/static/image/common/back.gif" border=0></A>   Haley and Garibotti climbed Standhardt via "Exocet," reaching the summit slightly past midday, then rappelled to the Col dei Sogni between Standhardt and Herron. Climbing up "Spigolo dei Bimbi" th ...
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